Yearning for love.
One thing I realized after moving to Europe and more specifically to Vienna, is that what really motivated each one of us to leave our home country was not only the individual drive to search for greener pastures for our future but also the great love we have for our families. In the sense that we would do pretty much anything to uplift the livelihood of those we love. Most of us get to their chosen country and experience a lot of exciting things. Everyone we know is very curious about us and they send us un-endless messages. Some call every now and then just to check on us. But…
Imperfect you!Â
You gasp in a long breath of fresh air, let it in deep to your air sacs. While doing this, thoughts are brutally criss crossing your mind. You don’t know which one to hang on to or which one to let go. Then almost as magically it’s just one sinister thought that finds its way to your at most consciousness. You breathe out and whisper to the world what seems to you like a victorious achievement ” I’m Single.” Those words feel too powerful they tend to form a sneaky subtle smile at the corners of your lips. The freedom you feel is reasonably or unreasonably overwhelming. At this point…
2015 in review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,100 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 35 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.
My Body, Not Your Battlefield
I have the perfect body anyone would kill for. I mean not literally though. The ten over ten who makes some few heads turn. Let me let you in what I do. I go through my day just like anyone of you. What do I do that you probably don’t? I go an extra mile to make me fit. I only eat organic food. It is expensive but I still afford it. I mean I have to. Why? Because I believe in organic food. If I can prevent myself from getting some lifestyle diseases by eating healthy then why not invest some few more coins into eating healthy. I…
When I was growing up I had dreams. Big dreams. Dreams that I prayed and hoped would one day come true. However, I did not know what it really took to make dreams come true. I did not know how many storms I was gonna break through to see to it that my dreams came true. One of my dreams was to one day go abroad and study. I never talked to anyone about it, though till I finished high school. I imagined how heavenly it would be to live abroad. Far away from where I called home. I pictured  in my mind of how great, wonderful and beautiful the…
Hair is a big deal to people of African decent or black women all over the world. We spend a great amount of time making sure our hair is on point at all times. We spend hours on it, going to the salons to get it straightened, braiding it up, putting extentions and so on. We can not sleeep freely and comfortably at night, moreso when we have a new hairdo. We literally run from the rain in fear of frizz. Many of us acquaired new showering positions while avoiding any single drop of water getting on our hair. Need I mention how much money we use on our hair…
Unfortunately being Black is accompanied by so many challenges, discomforts, weird tales and so on. It’s like a bad omen for some people. If you are Black and living in a “White mans” land then you can relate and know what I am talking about . I am a Black Kenyan girl living in Austria Europe. I just call a spade a spade and not otherwise. That is why I embrace being Black. I don’t get offended when you refer to me as Black . I actually did not realize that I would one day be discussing My being born black. I even did not know I was “black” till I…