My Body, Not Your Battlefield

I have the perfect body anyone would kill for. I mean not literally though. The ten over ten who makes some few heads turn. Let me let you in what I do. I go through my day just like anyone of you. What do I do that you probably don’t?

I go an extra mile to make me fit. I only eat organic food. It is expensive but I still afford it. I mean I have to. Why? Because I believe in organic food. If I can prevent myself from getting some lifestyle diseases by eating healthy then why not invest some few more coins into eating healthy.

I do not eat junk food. You will never find me in a junk store stuffing my shopping bag with fatty, sugary, crispy enticing kind of foodstuff. I don’t just feed my mouth anything. I take care of the food portions I eat. Food is great and am addicted to it. 

When I eat I make sure I have wiped every grain from my plate. If I get tempted not to finish what is on my plate then I remember there are so many kids in this country called Africa dying from hunger. Its a pity. Am sure you have heard this stories. So I think whenever I throw away food one life goes down. I just want to have a clear conscience. So for all that not to happen I eat in small portions. I don’t overflow my plate and that always helps.

I drink too much water. Probably more liters in a day than what doctors and nutritionists advice. In every sip I take I feel it refreshing my whole body. As it goes down my gut I feel like I am being re-baptised. It washes down my toxificated body. I emerge a more healthier beign that before.

Alcohol, its a no to my healthy life. Too many calories. For what? My system despises that! My nerves tickle anytime I see a bottle of Vodka. My mind warns me not to even think about it. So I just watch others who don’t really care about their bodies have the time of their life. What helps me here is, I remember I was raised in Church. In the kind of church that condemns intake of alcohol or even smoking a cigarette.

Those two things make you a child of Satan. A lost soul that needs intervention through the holy spirit. In the kind of society whereby its ok for a man to smoke but when a woman does, then she is branded big names and gets a piece of ‘societies ‘ mind.for example, “She has lost her way, She is into prostitution, She is not a christian, She is ‘mungiki’ ,She will never get pregnant, She has no future” and so on. 

So why will I consume alcohol when all it will do is give the wrong picture to those around me? On top of that it will destroy my figure. I don’t want to have ‘love handles’ or be told I have a ‘croissant’ kind of figure. I say no to alcohol because am a child of the most high. I don’t want to ruin His temple. 

Oh before I forget I have met many men to whom I told that I do not take alcohol and very beautiful compliments always followed. “…you are a good girl. You don’t drink. You are different. You were raised well. I can see it on your face and can tell you look very healthy. You are a good wife material. You are a good example to other girls….”Why will I throw all that to the bin for a bottle of toxins ? Hell no! 

I exercise twice everyday and when am too lazy or sick then I try just once. I don’t want fat building up. I don’t want people pointing a finger at me when they see my protruding saggy fatty body full of cellulites. I want to tone up. 

I just want to hear whispers on the street of people accepting, appreciating and envying what I look like. I don’t want hearing comments like, ” what does she eat?, She eats too much, She is Lazy, She has stress, She has depression, She is ugly.She is using Contraceptives.” …and so on. That is what the worlds expectations of beauty has reduced me to. I want to be worldly perfect. 

All the above is what I have struggled to be like since I hit adolescence. It is all in my head. Has been for a long time. I don’t have a killer figure. I don’t eat less. I don’t exercise regularly. I don’t eat organic food everyday. I don’t drink gallons of water every day. From everything I eat I can say am of average health. Am not perfect. No one is.

I do not care so much about my body figure/size. Atleast I tell myself that. The fat in my body is not life threatening. I care about my soul more. Am I any less happy? No! My body does not define who I am. I might be a plus size to your eyes but that shouldn’t bother me one second. A day to come I might holla at a friend so we go turn up. Will I oder a glass of milk at the counter? Well, I will decide then. 

I do what I want. I make my own choices. When I don’t exercise as I want to, I fail me not you. I want to be happy with me and that should not be equivalent to your happiness standards. I don’t want to be measured by the ratio of your definition of Beauty. My beauty in real sence is what is on the inside.

Cheers to those who embrace their flaws. I have embraced mine. I see my reflection on the mirror and I wink to the Beauty on the other side. I salute whoever walks with their head held high ignoring the stinging whispers of people surrounding you who think they know you better. Respect! Be proud of those nature given stretchmarks.They are part of your story.

PS: You can have the ‘perfect’ body with intact ‘goodies’ and be very ugly on the inside. “But” Chase whatever brings positivity and good health to your life the best way you can. Work outs, exercise, positive thinking, eating healthy or whatever, it is all great, but don’t be pressured to kill your real vibe. Remain yourself to the core.


  • ezzyie

    I enjoy reading your post, at first I was like, “waoh she really got it together” then mmmm ok, “the struggle is real for all of us”

    Pss: cheers too to those who don’t embrace their flaws but work on them till they are flaws on fleek, not because society dictates but because they know, they are a work in progress and it’s their duty to better themselves in all ways possible, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and even sexually, we have to keep evolving into higher beings.

    Psss: cheers to those who have mastered the art of clean organic eating, regular excercising, non toxins, all for their physical and mental selfgrowth, an art I’ve been trying to master for so long but still it eludes me!

    • mungaiciru

      Ezzy, Gut Ding braucht Weile. Persist till you get what you want. Discipline your mind and you will master that art , your goal will lead you there but be careful about the factors that push you there. love you

  • Big Bro

    Nice piece, always inspiring and there is that spark about your story. Being true with no faking, no coveting others, Damn! Godly Shi. Love YA <3 XO XO

    • mungaiciru

      Hey bro, I receive the love, hug it tight and refuse to let go. Who am I to covet any human for their outward outlook? Thenx for reading and empowering me. loveya to bits

  • Eri_mala

    A tastey blog!

    One thing we have to keep in mind is that we live in a world of flaws where no one is perfect in all ways. Probaly we would become superpowers if we realise our flaws and embrace them.

  • Grace gacheru

    Such a wonderful piece cuz.I have learnt it’s not always about the body..but we should still take care of’s such an inspiration and so glad you wrote it..proud of you….

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