Good tidings.
Awesome reader, It dawned on me that I forget to tell you the slightest thank you for always stopping by this space, reading, commenting and sharing with your people. Now that is bad manners considering my last blog entry.
I am not the only reason I write but you are. I can choose to keep my stories to myself but I wouldn’t be doing anyone a favor. You encourage me to put out more of my stories out there. Your feedback and how we literally embark and dismantle a topic I write about gives me so much joy. Thank you also for sliding in my dm or WhatsApp for more talk.
I acknowledge your feedback and how you thank me for somehow putting out a post that talks to you at the moment you need it. You humble me when you tell me that my posts talk to you and touch you. You humble me when you ask for me to write a book.( I’m not YET there though so for now let’s enjoy the blog ☺️)
Also, I realized I never had to ask you to subscribe to this blog and you did that totally by your own will. So you who hasn’t done that yet and find my articles worth reading please do so.
I admit I at times slack at posting. I won’t give excuses but what I know is I have so many more stories in store for you. Some already written and some screaming to be written. Too much in store people and I get confused what to post first.
I also know that if you have read my previous articles, more so the “She” sequel ordeal then there are still some unanswered questions you might have. I have in mind to post a “She closure” ( if at all there is closure on that topic. If you know what I mean.) soon.
So to get straight to the point, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart my reader. Your loyalty since I started. Your encouragement. Your patience. Your love. Your rawness. Your time. Your everything. This blog is literally nothing without you.
And this is also the first blog article where I wish you happy holidays with you and yours. Have merry or create merry with your loved ones. Wishing you all the great things come 2019.
Also see Flirty Christmas. ☺️
Happy new year to you and I hope you visit this blog next year. Of course you will, I’m I silly? 😄 You better bring your awesomeness back here next year.
Good tidings y’all.