• My Body, my Temple

    Determine who touches you!

    We have been talking about consent for sometime now. Being the optimistic type, I won’t deny there has been strides of improvement. But more has to be done until we don’t need consent classes anymore (if it will ever come to that ). Because yo, in 2019, the 21st century, there are still grown bearded or bald men and fully breasted women who still need to be taught about consent. According to auntie google, Consent means; permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. There is so much one can give consent for or to, but for now I‘m here to talk about sexual consent. Allow me to…

  • Family,  Life Lessons,  Love,  Struggles. Hope


    There is a particular kind of people who whine uncontrollably of how unloved they are. I mean, we are all human and very needy humans at times. We all want to be seen, noticed, taken seriously, cared for, pampered, mention it, in ways we sometimes don’t even know how. And in wanting to receive what we crave for so badly, we will most times try to manipulate the ones in our lives to get it. I completely sympathize with people who received close to no love while growing up. Because I know it has affected certain aspects of their lives in ways only they can comprehend. Those that walked through…